The CHARONA Project completed in 2014 provided an unprecedented comprehensive and critical analysis of the role and work of national recognition information centres (NARICs) since the inception of the ENIC-NARIC Networks. In determining future directions for the centres and the Networks, it is essential to draw not only on internal perspectives, but external ones.
In this context, CHARONA II sought to investigate the following critical questions:
These questions were explored through an international survey of stakeholders from 138 countries ranging from individuals to universities, higher education institutions, professional bodies and many more; supported by analysis of national survey results enhancing the breadth and volume of stakeholder feedback. An extended period of targeted consultation with key stakeholder organisations and a literature review were also conducted.
Acknowledging through the research that there was considerable scope for improvement in the visibility of both Centres and in particular, the Networks and in the understanding of the work conducted by each, a set of guidance documents, developed during the course of this project, help to illustrate the positioning and relevance of Centres specific to the needs of different stakeholder groups.
The findings and resulting recommendations of the study can be found in the final research report, whilst the guidance documents may also be downloaded from this page.
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